Massimo Tavoni
Massimo Tavoni

Massimo Tavoni is the Director of EIEE. He is also full professor at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano.

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Massimo Tavoni

Massimo Tavoni is the Director of EIEE. He is also full professor at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. He coordinated the Climate Change Mitigation programme at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) between 2015 and 2018. He has been fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioural Sciences at Stanford University, and post doctoral fellow at Princeton University. His research is about climate change mitigation policies, and has appeared in major scientific journals. He is a lead author of the IPCC (5th and 6th assessment reports), co-directs of the International Energy Workshop and was deputy editor for the journal ‘Climatic Change’. He is a recipient of a grant from the European Research Council (ERC). He has advised several international institutions on climate change matters, including the OECD, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank.

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Emmerling J., Andreoni P., Charalampidis I., Dasgupta S., Dennig F., Feindt S., Fragkiadakis D., Fragkos P., Fujimori S., Gilli M., Grottera C., Guivarch C., Kornek U., Kriegler E., Malerba D., Marangoni G., Méjean A., Nijsse F., Piontek F., Simsek Y., Soergel B., Taconet N., Vandyck T., Young-Brun M., Zhao S., Zheng Y., Tavoni M.

A Multi-Model Assessment of Inequality and Climate Change

Nature Climate Change , - 2024

Tavoni M., Andreoni P., Calcaterra M., Calliari E., Deubelli-Hwang T., Mechler R., Hochrainer-Stigler S., Wenz L.

Economic quantification of Loss and Damage funding needs

Nature Reviews Earth and Environment , Volume 5, Issue 6, Pages 411 - 413 - 2024

Calcaterra M., Aleluia Reis L., Fragkos P., Briera T., de Boer H. S., Egli F., Emmerling J., Iyer G., Mittal S., Polzin F. H. J., Sanders M. W. J. L., Schmidt T. S., Serebriakova A., Steffen B., van de Ven D. J., van Vuuren D. P., Waidelich P., Tavoni M.

Reducing the cost of capital to finance the energy transition in developing countries

Nature Energy , - 2024

d'Adda Giovanna; Yu Gao Russel Golman; Massimo Tavoni

Strategic information avoidance, belief manipulation and the effectiveness of green nudges

Ecological Economics , - 2024

Bonan J., Cattaneo C., D'Adda G., Galliera A., Tavoni M.

Widening the scope: The direct and spillover effects of nudging water efficiency in the presence of other behavioral interventions

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , Volume 127 - Article number 103037 - 2024

Aleluia R. L., Vrontisi Z., Verdolini E., Fragkiadakis K., Tavoni M.

A research and development investment strategy to achieve the Paris climate agreement

Nature Communications , - 2023

Sisco, M. R., Constantino, S. M., Gao, Y., Tavoni, M., Cooperman, A. D., Bosetti, V., & Weber, E. U.

Examining evidence for the Finite Pool of Worry and Finite Pool of Attention hypotheses

Global Environmental Change , Volume 78, January 2023, 102622 - 2023

Gao Y., Tavoni M.

Forget-Me-Not: The Persistent Effect of Information Provision for Adopting Climate-Friendly Goods

Management Science , - 2023

Andreoni P., Aleluia Reis L., Drouet L., Dessens O., Fragkos P., Pietzcker R., Pye S., Rodrigues R., Tavoni M.

Fossil extraction bans and carbon taxes: Assessing their interplay through multiple models

iScience , VOLUME 26, ISSUE 4 - 2023

Aleluia Reis L., Tavoni M.

Glasgow to Paris—The impact of the Glasgow commitments for the Paris climate agreement

iScience , - 2023

Ghidoni R., Abatayo A. L., Bosetti V., Casari M., Tavoni M.

Governing climate geoengineering: Side-payments are not enough

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists , Volume 10, Number 5 - 2023

Pezzoli P., Emmerling J., Tavoni M.

SRM on the Table: The Role of Geoengineering for the Stability and Effectiveness of Climate Coalitions

RFF working papers , - 2023

Steg, L., Veldstra, J., de Kleijne, K., Kılkış, Ş., Lucena, A.F.P., Nilsson, L.J., Sugiyama, M., Smith, P., Tavoni, M., de Coninck, H., van Diemen, R., Renforth, P., Mirasgedis, S., Nemet, G., Görsch, R., Muri, H., Bertoldi, P., Cabeza, L.F., Mata, É., Novikova, A., Caldas, L.R., Chàfer, M., Khosla, R., Vérez, D.

A method to identify barriers to and enablers of implementing climate change mitigation options

One Earth , Volume 5, Issue 11, 18 November 2022, Pages 1216-1227 - 2022

d'Adda G., Gao Y., Tavoni M.

A randomized trial of energy cost information provision alongside energy-efficiency classes for refrigerator purchases

Nature Energy , (2022) - 2022

Fanghella V., D'Adda G., Tavoni M.

Evaluating the impact of technological renovation and competition on energy consumption in the workplace

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , Available online 14 April 2022, 102662 - 2022

Bosetti V., Dennig F., Liu N., Tavoni M., Weber E.

Forward‑Looking Belief Elicitation Enhances Intergenerational Beneficence

Environmental and Resource Economics , 81, pages743–761 (2022) - 2022

Ferrari L., Carlino A., Gazzotti P., Tavoni M., Castelletti A.

From optimal to robust climate strategies: expanding integrated assessment model ensembles to manage economic, social, and environmental objectives

Environmental Research Letters , Volume 17, Number 8 - 2022

Armaroli N., Cazzola P., Carraro C., Cherchi E., Procopio M., Tanelli M., Tavoni M., Tilche A., Torsello M.

How to reduce emissions and energy use for Italy’s transport sector

Nature , - 2022

Aleluia Reis L., Drouet L., Tavoni M.

Internalizing air pollution health-economic impacts into climate policy – a global modelling study

The Lancet Planetary Health , Volume 6, Issue 1, E40-E48 - 2022

Shayegh, S., Emmerling, J., Tavoni, M.

International Migration Projections across Skill Levels in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Sustainability , 2022, 14(8), 4757 - 2022

Drouet L., Bosetti V., Tavoni M.

Net economic benefits of well-below 2°C scenarios and associated uncertainties

Oxford Open Climate Change , Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022, kgac003 - 2022

Brutschin E., Pianta S., Tavoni M., Riahi K., Bosetti V., Marangoni G., van Ruijven B.

A multidimensional feasibility evaluation of low-carbon scenarios

Environmental Research Letters , Volume 16, Number 6 - 2021

Steg L., Perlaviciute G., Sovacool B.K., Bonaiuto M., Diekmann A., Filippini M., HindriksF., Jacobbson Bergstad C., Matthies E., Matti S., Mulder M., Nilsson A., Pahl S., Roggenkamp M., Schuitema G., Stern P.C., Tavoni M., Thøgersen J., Woerdman E.

A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy Transitions

Frontiers in Psycology , 25 June 2021 - 2021

Steg L., Perlaviciute G., Sovacool B.K., Bonaiuto M., Diekmann A., Filippini M., HindriksF., Jacobbson Bergstad C., Matthies E., Matti S., Mulder M., Nilsson A., Pahl S., Roggenkamp M., Schuitema G., Stern P.C., Tavoni M., Thøgersen J., Woerdman E.

A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy Transitions

Frontiers in Psycology , 25 June 2021 - 2021

Bonan J., Cattaneo C., d'Adda G., Tavoni M.

Can social information programs be more effective? The role of environmental identity for energy conservation

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , Available online 27 April 2021, 102467 - 2021

Riahi K., et al. [Bosetti V., Drouet L., Tavoni M.]

Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot

Nature Climate Change , - 2021

Fanghella V., Ploner M., Tavoni M.

Energy saving in a simulated environment: An online experiment of the interplay between nudges and financial incentives

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics , Volume 93, August 2021, 101709 - 2021

Shayegh S., Bosetti V., Tavoni M.

Future Prospects of Direct Air Capture Technologies: Insights From an Expert Elicitation Survey

Frontiers in Climate , - 2021

Abatayo A.L., Bosetti V., Casari M., Tavoni M., Ghidoni R.

Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-Payments Are Not Enough

RFF Working Papers Series , 21-06, March 2021 - 2021

Piontek F., Drouet L., Emmerling J., Kompas T., Méjean A., Otto C., Rising J., Soergel B., Taconet N., Tavoni M.

Integrated perspective on translating biophysical to economic impacts of climate change

Nature Climate Change , Volume 11, pages 563–572 - 2021

Drouet L., Bosetti V., Padoan S., Aleluia Reis L., Bertram C., Dalla Longa F., Després J., Emmerling J., Fosse F., Fragkiadakis K., Frank S., Fricko O., Fujimori S., Harmsen M., Krey V., Oshiro K., Nogueira L.P., Paroussos L., Piontek F., Riahi K., Rochedo P.R.R., Schaeffer R., Takakura J., van der Wijst K., van der Zwaan B., van Vuuren D., Vrontisi Z., Weitzel M., Zakeri B., Tavoni M.

Net zero emission pathways reduce the physical and economic risks of climate change

Nature Climate Change , Volume 11, pages1070–1076 - 2021

Gazzotti P., Emmerling J., Marangoni G., Castelletti A., van der Wijst K., Hof A., Tavoni M.

Persistent inequality in economically optimal climate policies

Nature Communications , 12, 3421 (2021) - 2021

Colelli F.P., Witkop D., De Cian E., Tavoni M.

Power systems' performance under high renewables' penetration rates: a natural experiment due to the COVID-19 demand shock

Environmental Research Letters , Volume 16, Number 6 - 2021

Emmerling J., Tavoni M.

Representing inequalities in integrated assessment modeling of climate change

One Earth , Volume 4, Issue 2, 19 February 2021, Pages 177-180 - 2021

Bonan J., Battiston P., Bleck J., LeMay-Boucher P., Pareglio S., Sarr B., Tavoni M.

Social interaction and technology adoption: Experimental evidence from improved cookstoves in Mali

World Development , Volume 144, August 2021, 105467 - 2021

Aldy J.E., Felgenhauer T., Pizer W.A., Tavoni M., Belaia M., Borsuk M.E., Ghosh A., Heutel G., Heyen D., Horton J., Keith D., Merk C., Moreno-Cruz J., Reynolds J.L., Ricke K., Rickels W., Shayegh S., Smith W., Tilmes S., Wagner G., Wiener J.B.

Social science research to inform solar geoengineering

Science , Vol 374, Issue 6569, pp. 815-818 - 2021

Lamperti F. , Bosetti V., Roventini A., Tavoni M., Treibich T.

Three green financial policies to address climate risks

Journal of Financial Stability , Volume 54, June 2021, 100875 - 2021

Emmerling J., Furceri D., Libano Monteiro F., Loungani P., Ostry J.D., Pizzuto P., Tavoni M.

Will the Economic Impact of COVID-19 Persist? Prognosis from 21st Century Pandemics

IMF Working Papers , No. 2021/119 - 2021

Goglio P., Williams A.G., Balta-Ozkan N., Harris N.R.P., Williamson P., Huisingh D., Zhang Z., Tavoni M.

Advances and challenges of life cycle assessment (LCA) of greenhouse gas removal technologies to fight climate changes

Journal of Cleaner Production , Volume 244, 20 January 2020, 118896 - 2020

Bonan J., Cattaneo C., D’Adda G., Tavoni M.

Combining information on others’ energy usage and their approval of energy conservation promotes energy saving behaviour

Nature Energy , Volume 5, pages 832–833 - 2020

Granella F., Aleluia Reis L., Bosetti V., Tavoni M.

COVID-19 lockdown only partially alleviates health impacts of air pollution in Northern Italy

Environmental Research Letters , - 2020

Realmonte G., Drouet L., Gambhir A., Glynn J., Hawkes A., Köberle A.C., Tavoni M.

Reply to “High energy and materials requirement for direct air capture calls for further analysis and R&D”

Nature Communications , Volume 11, Article number: 3286 (2020) - 2020

Jewell, J., Emmerling, J., Vinichenko, V., Bertram C., Berger L., Daly H. E., Keppo I., Krey V., Gernaat D. E. H. J., Fragkiadakis K., McCollum D., Paroussas L., Riahi K., Tavoni M., van Vuuren D.

Reply to: Why fossil fuel producer subsidies matter

Nature , Volume 578, pages E5–E7(2020) - 2020

Abatayo A.L., Bosetti V., Casari M., Ghidoni R., Tavoni M.

Solar geoengineering may lead to excessive cooling and high strategic uncertainty

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , June 1, 2020 - 2020

Bonan J., Cattaneo C., D’Adda G., Tavoni M.

The interaction of descriptive and injunctive social norms in promoting energy conservation

Nature Energy , Volume 5, pages 900–909 - 2020

d'Adda G., Galliera A., Tavoni M.

Urgency and engagement: Empirical evidence from a large-scale intervention on energy use awareness

Journal of Economic Psychology , Volume 81, December 2020, 102275 - 2020

Realmonte G., Drouet L., Gambhir A., Glynn J., Hawkes A., Köberle A.C., Tavoni M.

An inter-model assessment of the role of direct air capture in deep mitigation pathways

Nature Communications , Volume 10, Article number: 3277 - 2019

Bonan J., Cattaneo C., D’Adda G., Tavoni M.

Can we make social information programs more effective? The role of identity and values

RFF Working Papers Series , - 2019

Fuso Nerini F., Sovacool B., Hughes N., Cozzi L., Cosgrave E., Howells M., Tavoni M., Tomei J., Zerriffi H., Milligan B.

Connecting climate action with other Sustainable Development Goals

Nature Sustainability , Volume 2, pages 674–680 - 2019

Lamperti F., Bosetti V., Riventini A., Tavoni M.

The public costs of climate-induced financial instability

Nature Climate Change , Volume 9, pages 829–833 - 2019

Emmerling J., Drouet L., van der Wijst K-I., Van Vuuren D., Bosetti V., Tavoni M.

The role of the discount rate for emission pathways and negative emissions

Environmental Research Letters , - 2019

Ricke K., Drouet L., Tavoni M., Caldeira K.

Country-level social cost of carbon

Nature Climate Change , Volume 8, pages 895–900 - 2018

Jewell J., McCollum D., Emmerling J., Bertram C., Gernaat D. E. H. J., Krey V., Paroussos L., Berger L., Fragkiadakis K., Keppo I., Saadi N., Tavoni M., van Vuuren D., Vinichenko V., Riahi K.

Limited Emission Reductions from Fuel Subsidy Removal except in Energy-Exporting Regions

Nature , 554, 229–233 (2018) - 2018

Gunnar L., Vrontisi Z., Bertram C., Edelenbosch O. Y., Pietzcker R. C., Rogelj J., De Boer H. S., Drouet L., Emmerling J., Fricko O., Fujimori S., Havlík P., Iyer G., Keramidas K., Kitous A., Pehl M., Krey V., Riahi K., Saveyn B., Tavoni M., Van Vuuren D.P., Kriegler E.

Residual fossil CO2 emissions in 1.5-2°C pathways

Nature Climate Change , Volume 8, pages 626–633 - 2018

Rogelj J., Popp A., Calvin K., Luderer G., Emmerling J., Gernaat D., Fujimori S., Strefler J., Hasegawa T., Marangoni G., Krey V., Kriegler E., Riahi K., van Vuuren D., Doelman J., Drouet L., Edmonds J., Fricko O., Harmsen M., Havlík P., Humpenöder F., Stehfest E., Tavoni M.

Scenarios towards limiting global-mean temperature increase below 1.5°C

Nature Climate Change , Volume 8, 8, pages 325–332(2018) - 2018

Marangoni G., Tavoni M., Bosetti V., Borgonovo E., Capros P., Fricko O., Gernaat D. E. H. J., Guivarch C., Havlik P., Huppmann D., Johnson N., Karkatsoulis P., Keppo I., Krey V., Ó Broin E., Price J., van Vuuren D. P.

Sensitivity of projected long-term CO2 emissions across the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Nature Climate Change , Volume 7, pages113–117(2017) - 2017