European Market for Climate Services

EU-MACS project aims at identifying constraints and enablers in the market for climate services so as to clarify and illustrate how the supply of and demand for climate services can be optimally matched, while accounting for differentiation in climate service products and their production, as well in the user needs and capabilities regarding climate services.
General Objectives
EU-MACS analyses the market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The analysis aims at discovering, quantifying and disseminating how service markets with public and private features can develop and how innovation may succeed in the field of climate services. The study engages a wide variety of stakeholders employing a co-design approach. Finally, the protocols developed in the explorative market development exercises are meant for replication at large scale.
Expected Results
Better understanding of the market for climate services, its functioning, its bottlenecks and barriers. With specific reference to the sectors involved (finance, tourism and urban planning), the project will successfully deliver a comprehensive picture of the state of the market for climate services throughout the whole value chain. Together with other H2020-funded projects (MARCO and CLARA), EU-MACS will contribute to highlight where challenges and opportunities are.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission
Start Date
01 November 2016
End Date
31 October 2018
24 months