Innovation pathways, strategies and policies for the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe

INNOPATHS is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme with the ambition to reassess and explore the full implications – energy, economic, social and environmental – of the low-carbon pathways of the European Union and its Member-States.
General Objectives
The overall objective of INNOPATHS is to work with key economic and societal actors to generate new enhanced low-carbon pathways for the European Union, taking full account of the global context. This objective aligns with the priorities of the Paris Agreement and the EU climate and energy policy commitments for 2020, 2030 and 2050.To meet this overall objective, INNOPATHS has five concrete aims:
- Understanding the challenges of decarbonisation and the innovation needed to address them;
- Presenting a detailed assessment of low-carbon technologies, their uncertainties, future prospects and system characteristics;
- Proposing policy and innovation system reforms that will help the EU and Member States meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets;
- Creating new, co-designed deep decarbonisation pathways with novel representation of policy and innovation process for low-carbon technology development;
- Making clear the social, economic and environmental dimensions of the low-carbon transition and how they can be managed.
Expected Results
The aim of INNOPATHS is to deliver a proposal for a low-carbon strategy for the EU, which will have maximum chances to be effectively implemented, accepted and well-managed.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission
Start Date
01 December 2016
End Date
31 July 2021
48 months