Luis Alejandro Sarmiento
Junior Scientist
Luis Alejandro Sarmiento

Luis Sarmiento currently works as a junior scientist at EIEE.

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Luis Alejandro Sarmiento

Luis Sarmiento currently works as a junior scientist at EIEE.

He obtained his doctoral degree (scl) in economics from the Berlin Institute of Technology. His research focuses on causal inference and energy modeling. As an experienced professional, he has developed substantial expertise in applied econometrics, integrated assessment models, and agent-based modeling. My research focuses on critical issues such as the energy transition, climate change, digitalization, environmental justice, and the study of policies to decrease environmental externalities in urban areas.


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Sarmiento L.

Air pollution and the productivity of high-skill labor: Evidence from court hearings

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics , - 2021

Sarmiento L., Wägner N., Zaklan A.

Effectiveness, Spillovers, and Well-Being Effects of Driving Restriction Policies

RFF Working Papers Series , 21-13, May 2021 - 2021

Sarmiento L., Molar-Cruz A., Avraam C., Brown M., Rosellón J., Siddiqui S., Solano Rodríguez B.

Mexico and U.S. Power Systems Under Variations in Natural Gas Prices

Energy Policy , Volume 156, September 2021, 112378 - 2021

Kim Y.J, Sarmiento L.

The Air Quality Effects of Uber

RFF Working Papers Series , Working Paper (21-34) - 2021

Gutiérrez-Meave R., Rosellón J., Sarmiento L.

The effect of changing marginal-cost to physical-order dispatch in the power sector

RFF Working Papers Series , Working Paper (21-19) - 2021

Giarola S., Molar-Cruz A., Vaillancourt K., Bahn O., Sarmiento L., Hawkes A., Brown M.

The role of energy storage on the uptake of renewable energy: A model comparison approach

Energy Policy , - 2021